When I was a child, I could think of nothing more awesome than becoming a mountain climber. My aspirations were largely due to a large cliff we would often drive past, sheer and rocky in the summer and covered with huge icicles in the winter. I told my parents of my aspirations frequently. To their […]
early retirement
What Is Your Well-Being Index?

I am awake with the possums and raccoons this week for my periodic week of night shift. Removed from the chaos of a house with young children, and from the daylight, my hospital office is quiet, dark, and deep. These weeks are disruptive, not only to my circadian rhythm, but also to my whole family’s schedule. […]
Level Up Your Retirement

I played a lot of video games as a kid. My loyalties were to Nintendo—and almost exclusively the early, original Nintendo games. I’m talking Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, and Contra, to name a few of my former faves. When I started college and especially medical school, my free time evaporated quickly along with […]
State of Confusion: Does Location Matter for Retirement Taxes?

When I first visited California at the age of thirty, it was love at first sight. We flew into Los Angeles for a stunning wedding in Laguna Beach; drove up the stunning Pacific Coast Highway; hiked the stunning edifice of Half Dome in Yosemite; wandered the steep, hip (and stunning) streets of San Francisco; and […]
Show Me the Money: My Retirement Drawdown Plan

High five! You have saved diligently and accumulated a nest egg that would be the envy of Scrooge McDuck. You, my friend, are ready to retire to a life without rushing and with naps. But wait! Your money is stashed in a combination of retirement accounts and taxable mutual funds; how, exactly, do you access […]
A Retirement Anti-list

It’s fun to contemplate the possibilities in early retirement. Some have organized bucket-like lists of retirement goals: Physician on Fire, My Sons Father, J. Money, and Joe Hearn are a few lists I have come across recently. Mine is a little different. Rather than list retirement dreams and wishes, I explain what I hope NOT to […]
The Great Debate: Go Part-time Now or Retire Early

Pictured above: Lalomanu Beach, Samoa. With our second little angel arriving soon, I’ve got family on the mind. Both my wife and I work full-time. Life is busy but not too insane: a majority of days we work 8-5, but there are occasional mornings, afternoons, or even full days off scattered throughout each of our schedules. We also employ a […]
Drifting Toward Early Retirement

[I hesitated before publishing this post because of the real-life finances contained herein but, in the spirit of putting myself out there, I decided to go ahead. My current financial situation can be attributed primarily to luck and happenstance, and I feel very fortunate to be where I am. Please forgive anything that may seem […]