WANDERLUST Travel is a passion of mine. When I am not on vacation, I am planning the next one or reflecting on the previous. Research suggests that anticipation of a great trip can be a source of happiness in itself, and I could not agree more. Wanderlust is my periodic travel fix. I will either review one of my favorite […]
Author: Dr. Curious
The Joy of Opting Out

During my Little League years, I was weirdly thrilled when inclement weather cancelled practice. Admittedly, I didn’t like baseball very much and my coach was kind of a dick. But the real source of excitement was my newfound freedom go home from school, hang out with my friends, and do whatever I pleased. I had […]
Stop Thinking

For those who have not experienced the thousand joys of parenthood, allow me to enlighten you about one of them: a toddler’s trip to the dentist. The night before this was to occur, we noticed our little angel was a bit crankier than usual, and by morning it was clear he was coming down with […]
Why I Hired a Nanny

Let’s start with some word association. Nanny. What is the first thought that pops into your mind? Do you picture Mary Poppins or Maria from The Sound of Music (I guess Julie Andrews plays a good nanny)? If you were raised in a lower or middle class family (like I was), do you dismiss nannies as […]
State of Confusion: Does Location Matter for Retirement Taxes?

When I first visited California at the age of thirty, it was love at first sight. We flew into Los Angeles for a stunning wedding in Laguna Beach; drove up the stunning Pacific Coast Highway; hiked the stunning edifice of Half Dome in Yosemite; wandered the steep, hip (and stunning) streets of San Francisco; and […]
What I Learned From Getting (Kind Of) Sued

Dr. Jim Dahle, aka the White Coat Investor, was gracious enough to allow me to write a guest post on his website about my (thankfully limited) experience with medical malpractice. I have been reading his website since near the time of its inception, and he played a large role in my financial salvation, so I am truly […]
Traveling with Children: Fantasy and Reality

My family is on the brink of a new phase in our adventures. Since the birth of our daughter, we no longer have the numbers advantage enjoyed on our trips with our older son. From here on out, we face a two-versus-two, parent-vs-child cage match on planes, trains, automobiles and everywhere in between. My wife […]
Confessions of a Former Racist

[Recent events in our nation have brought discussions of race to the forefront, and I feel compelled to share my own experiences with racism. I do not write without trepidation; apart from my wife, I have never discussed these issues with anyone. Some of you will be disheartened or even disgusted by parts of this […]
Dr. C’s Outsourcing Calculator

It has been 8 years since my first outsourcing. The year was 2009. My wife and I had purchased our modest home a few years prior. Life was busy; my wife was in full-time medical practice and I was in the middle of residency training. Our house cleaning schedule was erratic at best, and we began to […]
Death on the Screen

The next case opened and I began to scroll through CT images of the young woman’s head. It was around 11pm on a Saturday night, and the perfunctory history provided was “overdose, AMS (altered mental status).” As soon as the images of her brain popped up on the monitors, it became clear she had diffuse […]
Financial Independence Is Boring

I am a few years away from financial independence. When that moment comes, it will arrive not with a bang but a whimper. One spring, or summer, or winter day, I will log into my accounts and see that I have hit my “number.” Then I will close my laptop, have another sip of coffee, […]
Wanderlust: France, Bébé!

WANDERLUST Travel is a passion of mine. When I am not on vacation, I am planning the next one or reflecting on the previous. Research suggests that anticipation of a great trip can be a source of happiness in itself, and I could not agree more. Wanderlust is my periodic travel fix. I will either review one of my favorite […]